Frequently Asked Questions


System Operation

How does APUTRAC work?

Through a proprietary process, the APUTrac system captures APU run data from installed On-Board Aircraft Recording devices (Quick Access Recorders) that have been configured to support APUTrac services. This data is processed and provided to airlines via management reports, data uploads for third party software applications and Real-Time Alerting messages.

 Real-Time Alerting

What is required to implement APUTRAC Real-Time Alerting?

Real-Time alerting requires the installation of wireless On-Board Aircraft Recording devices (Quick Access Recorders) that have been specifically configured to support APUTRAC services.

How are the Real-Time Alerts setup and managed?

Each airline has the ability to establish unique APU altering thresholds at the airline, region, station and fleet levels. These thresholds are easily managed by the airline system administrator.

Can I receive email instead of text alerts?

Yes. Alert messages can be sent to smart devices via text (SMS) or email messages.

 Data Security

Is APUTRAC data secure?

Yes. APU run data is sent to our encrypted SSL server and protected by industry-standard user logon and password procedures.

How is data access controlled?

Airlines are authorized access through the secure assignment of unique logons (usernames and passwords). Airlines can only access their own data. Shared, de-identified data for industry benchmarking must be authorized by the participating airline(s).

Is APUTRAC data backed up?

Yes. Industry-standard backup procedures for cloud services is done on a scheduled basis. Further, APUTrac provides for the archiving of certain data in case the airline inadvertently deletes data and subsequently wishes to recover that data.

 Management Reporting

What management report options are available?

APUTRAC offers a standard set of management reports that will display APU use for the airline, by region, station and fleet type for selected date ranges. Reports may include comparison to targets for each level as well comparison to industry benchmarks.

How is benchmarking with other airlines done? Is my data protected?

Airlines, through written authorization, may elect to participate in the optional industry benchmarking program. If they elect to do so, their shared data will be de-identified and combined with other participating airlines. Reports are designed so as prevent all airlines from knowing the source of the benchmarking data.

Can I get custom managemenr reports?

Yes. APUTRAC fully supports customized reports and will provide a fixed fee quote once report specifications have been approved.

 Data Provisioning

Can my airline use its current third-party software for fuel efficiency reporting?

Yes. APUTRAC provides uploads to csv files which can be tailored to third party software applications.